Learning from my Mom -Demario Davis
By: Demario Davis
May 4, 2016

My mother has been everything to me. Since she had me when she was only 16 years old, I stayed with my grandmother while she finished school but my mom was always looking out for me. My father was in the Army so it was mostly just me and my mom as I was growing up and I watched as she continually sacrificed everything for me. All her dreams and goals she set aside so that she could give me a better future. Often my mom worked two or three jobs to provide for us. That was always one huge reason that I wanted to make it to the NFL, so that I could give back to her and make her life better as she did for me. My mom and I both gave our lives to Christ around the same time and since then, our relationship has deepened on a whole new level. Now we are able to intertwine our love for each other with our love for the Lord as well. Before I was married, there was no bond that I had closer than the one I had with my mom.
Growing up, my mom and I always spent every holiday together. We didn’t have a lot and weren’t always able to give each other gifts but we did have each other. Whether it was Christmas, Easter, or Mother’s Day, being together was always the best gift we had to give each other. Still to this day we spend most holidays together. This Mother’s Day I look forward to flying my mom up to Cleveland so that we can celebrate her together.
My mom always taught me to have a good work ethic. She taught to that whatever you work at, you should put all your time and passion into it. When we became believers, she shared this verse with me and it has stuck with me ever since:
“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” —Matthew 23:12
I used to be very cocky, but after giving my life to the Lord I learned humility on a whole new level and this verse helps me keep my eyes focused on the Lord as my strength and reward. My mom helped me realize that life’s not about me; instead I need to become a servant so that God’s love and power can become real to others through my life. This is evident in the life of my mom.
My mom has always been a servant first. She continues to regularly speak truth in my life through the Word of God and through her loving actions. Not only has she been a mom to me but she’s taken in so many others who need the love and guidance of a Godly woman. As the youngest of ten children, she has become the rock of our extended family. She is always giving to others and offers everyone a stable environment to come to and learn of God’s love. To see what’s she’s gone through and who she has become in Christ is inspiring and I hope that I can represent Christ to others the way she has to me.
—Demario Davis
Demario Davis is a regular contributor to The Increase and will be providing monthly articles and opinions.
Check out Demario’s Increase profile here: http://theincrease.com/author/demario-davis/
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