Increased Blessings – Tyler Clutts
By: Tyler Clutts
September 6, 2016

Our original plan was to be done after two. After having our first two kids, Giada and Luca, we thought we were finished. Both Tiffany and I came from large families (I was one of five children and Tiffany was one of four) and we thought, with my football career putting us on the road a lot, we would be happy with a family of four total. It made sense to us.
Last January, Tiffany suddenly told me that she felt like God had put something on her heart—we were supposed to have more kids. At first I brushed it off thinking that she just had a case of “baby fever.” But this idea grew more and more. Soon after I had a conversation with a mentor and previous chaplain of mine, Jonathan Evans. He had been on me lately about having more kids. He asked if I had thought more about it and I had to say, “…You know, it’s funny you ask. You’ll never guess what Tiffany said to me the other day.”
Jonathan then told me something that I have not been able to forget. He said, “Of all the older men that I’ve talked to, not one has told me that they wished they had less kids. But many have told me they wish they had more children.”
“Children are a blessing and a gift from the Lord.” —Psalm 127:3
That really stuck with me. And as Tiffany and I prayed more about it, we decided to try for a third. It didn’t take long—about a month.
When we told our two children that we were expecting another baby, we asked each of them what they wanted: a sister or a brother. Our two-year-old, Luca, then said, “Both! I want a brother and a sister.”
We laughed and told him that it didn’t work that way, it’s one or the other. But he would have none of it. “Nope, I’m going to have a brother and a sister,” he said simply.
And wouldn’t you know it, at the eight-week ultrasound, we found out we were having twins.
Tiffany and I never thought that we would have twins; we were shocked at the news.
Sure enough, at week fourteen we found out that we were having a boy and a girl—Luca would have his wish!
God gave us a huge surprise. But as we look back, we see ways in which God has been preparing us for this. Our pastor in Dallas found himself in the exact same situation three years ago. It’s been incredible to see them raise their four kids now with such grace and joy. We see how God has been putting mentors, friends, and family in our lives that have been such a great encouragement and support to us since the moment we found out.
Our family couldn’t be more excited to be on this journey. We know that God has amazing plans for us—much greater plans than we could ever have. Now we can’t imagine not having twins! This season has, and will continue, to teach Tiffany and I, along with our kids, about having faith in our sovereign God.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight.” —Proverbs 3:5-6
—Tyler Clutts
Tyler Clutts is a regular contributor to The Increase and will be providing monthly articles and opinions.
Check out Tyler’s Increase profile here:
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