Called to Worship – Joshua Vaughan
By: Joshua Vaughan
June 9, 2016

We are each called to live a life of worship before the Lord. When I think about coming before the Lord with thanksgiving and entering His courts with praise, it causes me to want to give God my all. In everything that I do, I want to do it with all the joy and passion that God has given to me.
But that’s not the easiest thing to do, especially in areas of life that aren’t always enjoyable. Leaving the game of football was hard. Football was one thing that I was accustomed to doing my whole life and I loved it, but there was a time and a season for being on the field and I’m thankful for that. Even in football, there are aspects of the job that are not enjoyable such as sprints or starting from the bottom of the totem pole. But whether I’m doing something that I love, or I’m stuck doing the mundane, I still try to be passionate and joyful in it, knowing that I’m doing it all for the glory of God.
I think Paul says it best:
“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.” —Philippians 4:12
In the times we are doing exactly what we want, we are to praise the Lord. In the times when we are doing the things we don’t particularly like, we are to praise the Lord. Because in all situations, everything works together towards God’s ultimate and perfect plan.
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” —Romans 8:28
One way that I’m able to keep my eyes on the goodness of God, keeping my joy in Him, is through worship music. My family and I have always loved to sing and worship God through music. When I’m going through something difficult and I listen to worship music, often times the lyrics are able to speak to me in such a way that reminds me that I serve a great God. Music can take you to a place that you might not be able to get to by your own will power; it may bring you to a place of complete surrender before God.
One of my favorite songs right now is Good, Good Father by Chris Tomlin. This song always reminds me of just how good our Father is. Sometimes when we endure hard times in life we can forget the goodness of our God, but He is a God that always protects, provides, disciplines, and loves us. He does these things to mold us into His image. It’s helpful to be reminded of these things because there are times we might question all of them. Ultimately, we can be assured that God is good. He is always good.
On a day-to-day basis we might lose sight of the joy we can have in Christ. We are called to be faithful servants and good stewards of what God has entrusted to us. Maintaining a lifestyle filled with prayer and worship sets our hearts on God and reminds us that He is good, He is in control, and we can find joy in Him.
—Joshua Vaughan
Joshua Vaughan is a regular contributor of The Increase and will be providing monthly articles and opinions.
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