The Voice of God
By: Don Davis
February 18, 2016
The other day I came home and my wife and daughter were having a heated discussion about something. My daughter wasn’t quite getting what my wife was trying to say and she was almost arguing with her. After about five minutes of my wife’s voice slowly getting louder and louder, I decided to insert myself into the conversation with one simple word: “ENOUGH!” Immediately, all conversation had ceased and my daughter went to her room very upset.
There’s something about a father’s voice that just cuts through the noise and the chaos. In Matthew 17, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain away from all the noise. There the disciples see Jesus, Moses and Elijah. You would think that this manifestation would bring them to their knees, but it isn’t until they hear the voice of God that they are brought low.
“‘This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.’ When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified.” -Matthew 17:5-6
In Psalm 29, David describes how the voice of God is powerful, majestic and breaks the cedars. (v.3-5) The voice of God is so powerful, that it will cut through all of the noise, chaos, or confusion that seems to fill our lives on a constant basis. The problem comes, however, when we are too busy to recognize His voice or don’t stop long enough to listen. Social media has flooded our day with so much chatter, if we don’t take time to hear, we might miss something truly important.
Yesterday, I was up at 3am and I couldn’t help but notice just how quiet it was. No email, no calls, no social media, no cars driving down the street—everyone around was asleep. I felt as if I was the only one on the planet at that moment. At that moment, God’s voice was amazingly clear. It brought focus and clarity to my mind and allowed me to start the day on fire!
My prayer today is that we will stop more frequently and take time to listen for the voice of the Father. When we do, clarity seems to silence the chaos and confusion, which will in turn allow us to live lives that are more consistent and connected to the Father who loves us so very much.
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