The Best Part of the Game – Chris Maragos
By: Chris Maragos
May 16, 2017

Back in the swing of OTA’s, we’re all pretty excited right now to continue where we left off from last year. We’re pumped to have Carson in his second year here, and we’re also adding a lot of firepower to both our offense and defense. In addition, we’ve really been able to build on our relationships within the team—we’re a really tight-knit group now.
Every year there are a lot of changes on each team in the NFL. There are a lot of constantly moving pieces in the League but thankfully, this year we still have our core leaders—the staples of our team—and we’re able to build off of that strong foundation.
When I think back on my first years in the League and then four years ago when I went to play for Philadelphia, I came in under the leadership of some great players, men who imparted wisdom to us, who I could learn from. Now, as one of the more seasoned players on the team, I am in the position to be that kind of a leader. One of the things I love most about having this role is the chance to build strong rapport with the guys. These are bonds that go way beyond the game of football, and the longer the guys are in the same locker room, the greater continuity and trust there is among us.
Football only lasts for a season in our lives, but the friendships and relationships that we create here will last a lifetime. Whenever you are a part of a fellowship where you’re able to carry each other’s burdens, you develop a closeness and bond that goes beyond circumstances. I’m grateful for our locker room. There are so many ups and downs that we all go through—things that we are working through both on and off the field—and when we’re able to really invest in each other’s lives through these moments, there’s a level of depth and closeness that develops. That’s what is really fun and rewarding about the community found within our team.
In fact, when things get the toughest for guys, that’s when you are able to make up the most slack and go deeper with each other. We’re with each other all the time—doing workouts, on the road, playing games, in a lot of very intense situations—so your teammates really get to see every aspect of your life. There’s nothing you can hide. You are known. What you are going through and who you are is made clear among your team when you are with the same group of guys for an extended period of time. I love this because there’s a level of trust that is built as a result. Because of that trust you’ll find that other believers on the team will come up to you and say, “Hey man, I need your advice on this, can you speak some wisdom into my life right now?” And many non-believers will say, “Tell me more about what it is that you believe. What is it that you’ve got?” These are some of the blessings and opportunities that come when you live life in community.
I’m not the biggest, fastest, or strongest guy in the world, but I really feel like God has placed me in the locker room to minister to other guys and be a light here. That’s been the coolest thing for me about this game. Yes, I love football and I pour my heart and everything I have into it, but there’s a greater purpose for me to be in the situations that I’m in. I know that I’m to take what’s been entrusted to me and make sure that I’m being faithful with the space that God’s given me and the lives of those He’s put around me.
“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” —Luke 12:48
—Chris Maragos
Chris Maragos is a regular contributor to The Increase, providing monthly articles and opinions.
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