Making the Switch – Tyler Clutts
By: Tyler Clutts
February 3, 2017

God’s timing isn’t always what we expect or hope it will be, but it is always perfect.
Lately this truth has been really evident in my life. As I look back at the last year, I think about how unknown my future was. Last year I wondered whether I would be playing in the NFL again or not. Anticipating that I would, we planned for another child and my wife got pregnant. That gave us a timeframe for the new baby’s arrival right after football season ended. But I didn’t end up playing this year and God gifted us twins, who arrived in early December. Had I been playing while Tiffany was pregnant with twins, everything would have looked completely different.
I believe that God has been preparing us for a responsibility much greater than football.
It was humbling to not be called back to the game but it’s also been a blessing. Without my focus solely on football, I have discovered a lot of other passions and interests that God has put in me. I was able to host a television show and pursue real estate development along with other projects that I had never considered before. It also has not been as hard to watch football this year as I thought it might be, and that is only because of the peace I have in Christ.
This transitional mindset has opened my eyes to see what other guys go through when they no longer have football. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine going through this process without my faith in Christ. Throughout this transition I’ve been able to keep my eyes on Christ, trusting that God has the best plan for me and my family. For many pro football players, the game becomes their identity. They’ve been competing in this game for 20+ years, devoting their lives to it, so naturally it’s hard to think about giving it up and pursuing something else.
It’s important that we have a realistic view of what we are both leaving and entering into after football. Many think that they need to replace football with a career they have just as much passion for, but let’s face it; it’s hard to make the switch. You may not have that much passion for the medical field, banking, or real estate, but you can work your hardest to provide and be obedient in the next stage of life God is calling you to.
I’ve been fortunate enough to play the game I love for thirty-two years. I’m not counting on being in the NFL again. If that happens, great, but I’m also going to pursue what’s next for me. I want to focus on what God is putting in front of me instead of fixating on what’s behind me or what might never be.
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” —Jeremiah 29:11
I understand that there’s a plan for my life. God has a plan to prosper me and not to forget about me. With that knowledge I have so much peace.
—Tyler Clutts
Tyler Clutts is a regular contributor to The Increase and will be providing monthly articles and opinions.
Check out Tyler’s Increase profile here:
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