Increase Devotional: Aaron Curry
By: The Increase
February 15, 2016

Find out how God brought Aaron through these crossroads when you start the Increase Devotional Plan on YouVersion: The Increase’s 21-Day YouVersion Devotional.
49ers Defensive Line Coach, Aaron Curry, started his career as a NFL linebacker with a decision to make: Whose approval would he seek? With expectations being thrown at him from all directions, Aaron found that he couldn’t allow these expectations to distract him from the life God was calling him to.
“The problem comes,” says Aaron, “when we allow the expectations of the crowd to overshadow our love for God.”
Aaron had grown up playing football, quickly becoming accustomed to enjoying the approval of the crowd after a good performance on the field. But as his audience widened, he found that he couldn’t base his worth in people’s approval. He sought a freedom from this mindset.
Galatians 1.10 offered him a path that would base his worth in something greater than his athletic performance.
“As I’ve grown in my faith,” Aaron reflects, “I’ve learned there’s so much freedom in seeking the smile of God. It’s a freedom I’ve learned to experience and embrace with each passing day.”
Though Aaron is no longer playing in the NFL, he knows his worth is found only in the love and grace of God. He now is able to share this message with his players and fans.
“For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” – Galatians 1.10
You may also watch Aaron Curry’s Increase Story below:
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