Yet I Will Hope – Joshua Vaughan

By: Joshua Vaughan
September 14, 2016

One of the most challenging times that Amber and I have ever experienced happened in 2013. We had been praying for children for a while and finally Amber became pregnant in April. Not long after, unfortunately, we had a miscarriage. We were devastated.


In October of that same year, after praying earnestly for God to bless us with another baby, Amber became pregnant again. But again, it soon resulted in a miscarriage.


After the first miscarriage, we were really sad. After the second, I was angry. How could God do this to us? Where was He? We were so excited to have a baby, we prayed earnestly for this, why was this happening to us?


For a month or two I didn’t even want to talk to God about it. I felt like He was either ignoring us or didn’t care. But when I realized that there was no where else to go—there was no one else that I could cry out to—I went to God.


When I was in my lowest place I cried out to God, “I really don’t know what’s going on, Lord.” For the first time, I really opened up to God about what I was feeling. I remember hearing God answer my cry—I remember Him telling me that we were going to have a baby, it would be a boy, and his name would be Levi.


A month later, Amber was pregnant. Nine months later, Levi was born.


I would have never been able to get through that time without God. When I poured my heart out to God, I realized that He still cared for me; He still heard me. And He still does.


“Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him.” —Job 13:15


As believers, even though we know we’re not impervious to hard times, we may still think prayer will solve all our problems. But God’s plan is bigger than ours, and He may not always say “yes” to our desires, even if they are good. Prayer is about trusting God in the good times and in the bad. And when we are able to trust in God and cry out to Him in the darkest times, that’s when our relationship with God goes to a whole new level.


As we look back, with two beautiful baby boys now in our house, we see that challenging season in our lives as a part of our testimony of God’s goodness. We could look at that experience and ask, “What good can come out of this?” But God works all things together for good. While experiencing a miscarriage is devastating, now when we hear of people going through the pain of a miscarriage, Amber and I can encourage and relate to them. We can share with them our testimony and the promise of God’s supreme plan which we cannot fully see.


“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” —Romans 8:28


Without a test, we cannot have a testimony. In the same way that experienced couples came alongside us in the midst of our pain, now God can use our pain

to bless others.


—Joshua Vaughan


Joshua Vaughan is a regular contributor of The Increase and will be providing monthly articles and opinions.


Check out Joshua’s Increase profile here:


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